
Welcome to VIP

Vishakha International Pre School was started in 1996 with 14 children and two (2) teachers. At present, after 14 years we have 450 children and 35 teachers. Ours is the biggest and most popular Pre-School in Gampaha district. Most of the children come from families of professionals and the business community,living within a radius of twenty 20 km from college . The school is spread in an area of around 1 acre with spacious, ventilated, colourful and secure buildings.

The playground is one of the best in the island with many educational playing structures. The school has all the necessary modern equipment and teaching aids. A large colourful activity room of around 600 square feet. with a viewing balcony. School also has DVD, Video and multi media facilities. All the teachers are well trained and fluent in English. The staff is updated and kept with changes and latest additions to Pre School Education, through inservice programmes and regular lectures conducted by visiting lecturers.

VIP Programs

Vishakha International PreSchool program has 03 dedicatated sections

  • Play Group

    2 - 3
    Age Group

  • L.K.G.

    3 - 4
    Age Group

  • U.K.G.

    4 - 5
    Age Group

Academic Stucture

  • Teachers

    All the teachers are well trained and fluent in English. The staff is updated and kept with changes and latest additions to Pre School Education, through inservice programmes and regular lectures conducted by visiting lecturers. A teacher is in charge of a group. Principal and the vice principal supervise all the groups

  • Medium

    Even though the medium of education at VIP is English, whenever necessary, We mix, Sinhala language with English, so that children will understand the basic subject matter well and do not get subjected to unnecessary mental stresses due to language barrier.

  • Syllabus

    A Child Centred International syllabus. The students are divided into groups of 20. All the subject matter is introduced through play, music, dancing and enjoyable creative activities.

  • Morning Assembly

    We give much prominence to the morning assembly. Practice of religion, discipline; physical exercises through movements of animals, play a key role at the morning assembly. Presentations by children are also important part of the morning assembly.

  • Multimedia Rooms

    Action songs and the introduction of basic themes of life,such as environment, animals, food, clothing, human body, weather etc, by teachers using audio visual aids is also a regular event at the morning assembly. Activity room is used by all the groups DVD, video and multi media aids are used for education whenever necessary.

  • Computer Science

    The basics of computer science are introduced to students through the paint program, games and playful puzzles. They too learn to operate a computer and basics of hard ware.

  • Sports

    Athletics and sports have a prominent place in our pre school. Every academic term has a sports meet.(Three sports meets a year) School has two swimming coaches and lessons are held from 11.00 to 12.00 p.m. on school days. Swimming is very popular at our school.

  • Food

    The children are encouraged to consume natural food items and we request the parents, not to send fast food items from snack bars for the mid day meal. The school canteen mainly has natural food items, fresh fruit juices. No bottled drinks, sweets, and fast food items are sold at the canteen.


Happy Kids





Facilities We Have

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365/24/7 CCTV

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Contact with us

Postal address:

Vishaka Road, Gampaha,
11000 Sri Lanka


(+94) 33 2222 635 / (+94) 33 2222 941
(+94) 33 2236 834 / (+94) 77 7663 625


(+94) 33 22 22 635



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